Tips to Write A Dissertation Or Thesis
A Complete Guide On How To Write A Dissertation
A dissertation is probably the most important part of any student’s academic career, as it occurs during the last year or the last semester of the student’s educational level.
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The Importance of dissertation
A dissertation is an extensive research study or a final year project, conducted by the students according to their level of education, either Bachelors, Masters or Ph.D. It is a mandatory requirement to achieve your degree.
Students specialize in their field of interest, improving their research capabilities and problem-solving skills, where effective research tools are used to identify a particular solution.
What does a dissertation consist of ?
Before starting, a dissertation consists of:
- Abstract
- Table of content
- Chapter one: Introduction
- Chapter two: Literature review
- Chapter three: Research methodology
- Chapter four: Research findings
- Chapter five: Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Turnitin report
With this being said, here is the complete guide on how to write a dissertation, ending the cries for someone to do my dissertation for me UK or any other curriculum. Let’s understand them one by one.
This is the section where it is required to write a one paged summary that explains the total aim of your research, its significance and type of research methods used. In short, it is the whole summary of your research in one page.
Table of content
This section is the list of all the headings, sub-headings, figures, tables and everything included in your research with its page number cited.
Chapter one: Introduction
This is an important chapter where it introduces the topic being investigated. This chapter includes:
- The conceptual background: Where the background of your research is explained in detail.
- Problem statement: This is where you explain and address the issue which caused you to conduct research in the first place.
- Research objectives: As the name suggests, this part explains what objectives and aims you are trying to achieve through conducting your research.
- Research questions: This states the questions which will help to prove your research
- Conceptual framework: This part shows the variables, which explains if any particular variable is negatively or positively affects each other.
- Significance of the study: This is where you explain why is this research important and to whom it can benefit.
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Chapter two: Literature review
This section contains the studies of previous researches which are relevant to your research. It includes discussion of your dependent and independent variables, found in previous studies. This helps to prevent plagiarism, gives a broad perspective of your topic and most importantly, identifies the research gap.
Chapter three: Research methodologies
This section explains the methods on how you conducted your research. This chapter includes:
- Research design: This is where you explain whether your research is either descriptive, qualitative, quantitative, co-relational, cause and effect, experimental or observing.
- Sampling: This is where you explain how the statistics for analyzing, have been used to conduct your research. This is usually taken from a targeted population of selected number for survey and research purposes,
- Data collection: This is where you will explain how you have collected your data, either through observation, surveys, experiments, qualitative research or through other ways.
- Data analysis: This shows how you will analyze the research found. Either through SPSS, manual or any other software.
Chapter four: Research findings
This section provides the analysis of the data and its interpretations. It includes all the analysis done through the methods explained in chapter three. It includes bar graphs, pie charts, tables etc. to explain the analysis visually.
Chapter Five: Conclusion
This is the concluding chapter which includes:
- Conclusion: Where you give all the summaries of your findings done in chapter four, its interpretations and can even give your own opinions.
- Implications: This is where you explain how your research can be implemented for business purposes or in real-life.
- Further research: This is where you will explain the research gaps and limitations of your studies that will be useful for others researchers.
This section shows all the citations mentioned in the whole body of the dissertation into an APA style format. It gives credit to all other previous research which cited in the dissertation.
Turnitin report
This is a plagiarism report, which shows the percentage of how much work is copied and how much is original.
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This is the complete necessary guide for writing a dissertation, and explains what all are necessary to include in the research. This might vary from supervisor to supervisor, as it also depends upon their expectations or even your university’s limitation. But in standard, this is usually what all are included for a proper research. The only possible difference is, difference of terminologies.