How to Write a Dissertation Proposal in Professional Way?

Writing is a skill that get’s polished the more we practice it. Even though; everybody is familiar with the way of writing but not everybody is skilled enough to meet the requirements of the particular writing project. Things get even more complicated when one has to write an academic project. There are a lot of rules and regulations that must be met in these writing projects. As Stephen Greenblatt said;

“The first and perhaps the most important requirement for a successful writing performance – and writing is a performance, like singing an aria or dancing a jig – is to understand the nature of the occasion.”

To understand the nature of writing, students take examples from various sites of various projects. A dissertation is one such academic project that students get most intimidated by and rightly so. It is because it is one of the most complicated and extensive pieces of academic writing. However; before that; there is a dissertation proposal with which a student needs to be prepared. This post intends to highlight all about dissertation proposals, their importance, and the way of writing a perfect dissertation proposal.

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What is a dissertation?

A dissertation is an extensive piece of academic writing in which a student is meant to conduct a thorough research on a given topic. The research projects that undergraduate students are assigned are named assignments or research works but the research projects that post-graduate students are assigned are known as dissertations or theses.  Even though; each writing project has different rules of writing but one rule that is similar for all research works is that the research proposal needs to be submitted and accepted before the submission of the research work.

What is a dissertation proposal?

A dissertation proposal is basically an outline of what you intend to write in your research work. It is the kind of document that proposes a particular research project. A dissertation proposal is reviewed on the basis of the following main components;


The title page of the research or dissertation proposal must constitute the following points;

  1. Name, address, and phone number of the student.
  2. The title of the proposal.
  3. Name and address of the sponsor (the sponsor is the one who takes legal responsibility for research work).
  4. The required time period of performance for the research work.
  5. The amount needed for the conduction of research.
  6. Signature of students and the authorized institute.

An abstract is one of the most important components when it comes to writing a dissertation proposal. It must give a brief summary of the objectives, methodology, and significance of the research work.


A detailed explanation of the whole research is presented in this part of the proposal.  The following points are given in this section of the research proposal:

  1. Background of the problem.
  2. How the research will be done?
  3. Where the research will be done?
  4. Who will be doing the research?
  5. The required budget and the justification of the budget.

The academic history of the student intending the research is presented in this part.

Types of dissertation proposal:

Many samples of different types of dissertation proposals are given on various platforms. Some of those types are as follows;

  • Solicited dissertation proposal.
  • Unsolicited dissertation proposal.
  • Pre-proposal.
  • Continuation dissertation proposal.
  • Renewal dissertation proposal.

What is the importance/purpose of the dissertation proposal?

A dissertation proposal acts as a small-scale version of the final dissertation. Students meant to write a dissertation proposal because of the following reasons:

  • The dissertation proposal justifies the reason for conducting the research.
  • It contributes to the existing research works.
  • It demonstrates students’ understanding of the given topic.
  • It shows the students’ ability to conduct research.

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How to write a Dissertation proposal?

Students often seek ways to write a dissertation proposal. It is because they find it extremely overwhelming to write it; as the whole project is going to be judged according to the submitted dissertation proposal.  The basic structure and requirements of writing a dissertation proposal are as follows:

  • Title page:

The title page of the dissertation proposal must include the student’s name, the title of the project, the name of the supervisor, and the name of the institution plus the department.

  • Abstract:

This section must be written after completing the whole proposal so that you can beautifully compile the whole proposal in a brief form.

  • Table of contents:

This is the section in which the student is meant to provide the list of all the contents he has mentioned in his proposal.

  • Introduction:

This is the part where the student is meant to give a hint of the background along with the introduction of the topic. It highlights the problem statement and the intended objective of the dissertation proposal.

  • Literature review:

This section of a dissertation proposal requires a lot of time and effort which is why students buy dissertation proposal writing services from professionals to get assistance specifically with this section. This section must highlight the following points;

  • The main theories and research methods; that were conducted on a similar topic previously.
  • The gaps and shortcomings that were there in the previous research works.
  • The way you are willing to overcome those gaps and challenges through intended research work.
  • Research design & method:

This is the part in which the student is meant to mention his approach toward the research. It highlights the objectives of the research and the methods that he is going to use to meet those objectives. Both; qualitative as well as quantitative methods of research are mentioned along with the intended data sources for data collection purposes.

  • Implications & contributions to the research world:

As the name implies; this section discusses how your research work will contribute to the research world. This contribution can be in the form of improvement of the practices, strengthening the already published research work, or creating the foundation for their future scholarly works.

  • Reference list:

This is the part in which the authentic sources of your collected data must be mentioned. Only authentic sources are legible.

As far as the length of the dissertation proposal is concerned; it is mainly about 10 pages. However; if the length of the dissertation is extremely lengthy then the dissertation proposal will also exceed 15 to 20 pages. In addition to that; it depends upon your dissertation topic, your purpose for writing the dissertation, and the requirements of the institution.

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Tips to make it professional:

If the dissertation proposal falls according to the requirements then it is the doctoral committee that unanimously approves or rejects the proposed dissertation project. If the project gets approved then the student is accepted for the candidacy for the doctoral degree.

Students ask professional writers to write my research proposal for me because they want their dissertation proposal to add a professional touch. The following are a few of the tips that will help the students in improving the quality of their dissertation proposal;

  • The first tip for improving the quality of the dissertation proposal is to strictly follow all the rules of writing a dissertation proposal and covering all the basics.
  • Another thing that will give a professional touch to your dissertation proposal is to stay original. One can stay original by eliminating plagiarism and by emphasizing how resourceful the particular proposal is.
  • Staying relevant to the demands and goals of the sponsor is also important because ultimately it is going to be the sponsor who will be deciding whether your project will be published or not.
  • Planning before writing is what gives a professional outlook to your dissertation proposal. You will need to plan the following this for that;
  1. How you are intending to write a project?
  2. How much time frame do you have for it?
  3. Preparing an outline.
  • Never hesitate to consult with your instructor while you are preparing the dissertation proposal because he can guide you the best about all the guidelines for writing a perfect dissertation proposal.
  • Proofreading and editing are the two most important steps that take your dissertation proposal from an ordinary one to a professional looking. Proofreading eliminates all of the possible errors in the content while editing improves the quality of the content by improving sentence formation.


The dissertation proposal is an important academic piece of writing that acts as a ticket for getting a post-graduate degree. Every student can follow the basics of writing a dissertation proposal but it requires extra tips to get a proposal done in a professional style. Besides following the structure of writing a dissertation proposal, there are a lot of other components as well which make a dissertation proposal worthy to be approved. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the students in getting familiar with the ways of writing a professional dissertation proposal.


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